Lots of oppositions here-- fitting for a relationship oriented asteroid. The opposition between the Sun and Pluto speaks so clearly of power dynamics and the importance of a very strong personality and identity to manage them.
Sun in Virgo, the ego in crisis, here is polarized and stretched to the extreme by the way that the “other” is wielding power, sometimes in potentially deceptive ways. As per Evolutionary Astrology, Juno comes in with an awareness of her ability to wield power in underhanded/evasive-- or else truly compassionate and mystical ways; Juno understands how to be Piscean (Pluto in Pisces). The point of Evolution (Pluto Polarity Point) is the Sun in Virgo; so we are learning service to the Essence of the Self here, as we must learn in all relationship. Who are we really serving? What is really the point of relating? The Divine Light and Individuality of each partner must be the focus.
Hence Juno’s strong penchant for equality in relationship. The potential, as I see it, with this opposition, is for the ego to be sublimated so that there is no distinction between the power and the one who is wielding it… That would be the highest evolution of the energy. Overcoming the Illusion of Separation, we have a very powerful Queen of Heaven indeed.
Not surprised to see the Grand Cross here either, forming between Juno, Saturn-Mercury, Mars, and Chiron-White Moon. Beautiful and very powerful; this asteroid gets things done through the compelling force of rational and long deliberation (Saturn exalted in Libra conjunct Mercury), opposite Juno herself... which is part of why Juno supports long-term relationships, Juno herself in opposition with this Saturn character who seems to thrive on longevity. Juno is more satisfied by a long time taken to mature things and explore, because she has a lot of work to do. She also is aware of the patience required for healthy relationships to blossom, for a body to grow a baby, for the time it takes to give birth.. Juno, after all, oversees childbirth and new mothers as well.
Saturn/Mercury/Uranus' dispositor is, of course, Venus, Queen of Relating herself.. in Leo :). Of course Juno has a lion-esque Venus, fresh, vibrant, playful, and fully in her power. How could she do as she does otherwise, ensuring so many facets of existence are operating and thriving? She simple shines like the Sun. She has no issue with being queenly and decisive in her choosing of what values are most relevant for her; in fact, they all are, so long as she can enjoy a certain sense of centrality at times.
But we have this quincunx between Venus and Chiron/Selena in Capricorn, indicating that there is some pain and difficulty, a constant adjustment where simple radiance and enjoyment is concered. It must constantly be tempered of the painful awareness of the need for discipline and structure; and the desire for pleasure tempers and works with the urge to heal through karmic service of the wider community. Even if Juno’s personal goals are not met, and even if her place in the community does not always allow her the fun she likes, she is not too disturbed because she is fulfilled by the community’s life itself, and the thriving of others is her own thriving (Sun in Virgo opposite Pluto in Pisces, Juno opposite Saturn, Chiron in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer). A powerful drive to nurture selflessly.
There is an awareness of the need for very delicate balance between responsibility, awareness, practicality, and the necessary sacrifices, wounds, and restrictions which are incurred through this. The Sun is in Virgo after all, the sign of selfless service. For the Sun, this is a humble but secretly very powerful position, especially as we have Pluto in Pisces directly opposite. This is someone who knows how to wield power in their relationships, bar none, and one too who is keenly aware of when and how others are wielding power in their vicinity , and the fact that letting go into the flow of unconditional love unties all knots and dissolves contentious boundaries; when Juno can let go of the need to “be the power” and personalize it, attempting to perfect herself and others... and when she likewise lets go of the need to give her power away to some imaginary realm which has no real weight, but devote herself to deep spiritual truths and realities.
The resolution point of this Saturn-Mercury-Juno-Chiron grand cross is the solo Mars in Cancer. Of course Mars is in Cancer, the masculine necessarily manifesting emotionally, intuitively, sensitively. On the other hand, Juno does have the tendency to bring issues around emasculation up, and Mars in Cancer indicates this too. But we have a great passion for the female body, and nurturers.
This asteroid fights for the right to be as the tides of the ocean, to fully feel all of our feelings and to dive deep, as birthing mothers do. And definitely attuned to (fiercely, Martially) supporting mothers, childbearing women, femininity and the whole being. The inner being is nurtured ferociously in this chart, and supported on all sides by the very powerful and stable grand cross associated with it.
We have the authority of Chiron and Selena in Capricorn, showing that the wisdom gleaned from hard experience is operating on a very mature level, to the point where actual transcendence can occur. Mars is indicating the tension and resolution points of various energy highlighted by the kinds of relationships this asteroid deals with: namely very committed, important and central ones.